Swiss Valley Ski & Snowboard Area (SV) is committed to protecting the fun by providing a comfortable, enjoyable, and wholesome recreational experience for all guests. To help us fulfill our commitment, we ask that you honor this code of conduct, and to respect others as you want to be respected.


  • Demonstrate courtesy and respect even when others do not.
  • Behave in a responsible manner, always exercising self-discipline.
  • Respect the rights and privileges of other guests and staff.
  • Respect the property of others, including area property and facilities.
  • Cooperate with or assist the staff in maintaining safety, order and discipline.
  • Follow Your Responsibility Code

Behaviors or acts not permitted:

  • Unruly or disruptive behavior that interferes with guests’ enjoyment of the area
  • Fighting or aggression of any kind, including verbal or physical assaults
  • Acts or behavior that area management determines is a safety concern, that interrupts operations, or negatively impacts a guests’ experience
  • Refusing to follow verbal or printed instructions, refusing to cooperate with area personnel, or entering restricted areas
  • Harassing or threatening behavior
  • Sexual misconduct or lewd behavior including inappropriate interaction with guests or staff
  • Offensive language, gestures, or music
  • Clothing with offensive language or obscene graphics
  • Sound broadcasted from any personal (i.e. Bluetooth speaker) device at a volume louder than normal conversation
  • Intoxication or substance impairment
  • Smoking/vaping indoors or in any areas where people gather like lift lines
  • Consumption of alcohol on the snow
  • Theft
  • Selling goods, food items, or SV tickets
  • Soliciting and distributing literature not approved by the area
  • Transporting a child in a backpack or front-pack on any chairlift
  • Unsolicited photographing or video recording that disrupts a guest’s experience or interferes with operations
  • Carrying firearms, ammunition, weapons of any kind, and any other prohibited item (SV reserves the right to prohibit any items at our discretion)

Notice to Parents & Guardians Regarding Children & Teens

Parents or guardians are responsible for the behavior of their minor children. Appropriate behavior and supervision are the responsibility of the parent/guardian and is expected. We recommend that minors (under 18) be accompanied by an adult. SV does not assume any responsibility or liability for unattended minors. Parents/guardians (present or not) may be held legally liable for all acts of the children under their care.

Personal Conduct

Conduct deemed by SV staff to be inappropriate for the good order of the ski area, guests, or staff, and which may adversely affect the safety of others is not permitted.  A pass, card, ticket, or participation may be revoked, suspended, voided, or denied for violating the Code of Conduct, without refund.

Guests are encouraged to report any violations of the Guest Code of Conduct or suspicious activity to the nearest SV staff member, or by calling (269) 244-5635.

Lift Tickets

We follow a ‘One Wicket, One Ticket’ rule. You must have one lift ticket obviously displayed on your person using a wicket. If you choose to remove the clothing your ticket is attached to you must come back to the Ticket Window to clip off your old lift ticket and be reissued a new lift ticket to attach to your person.

This list is not all-inclusive and Swiss Valley reserves the right to revise or modify this Code of Conduct without notice.