Skier Responsibility Code
Skiing can be enjoyed in many ways. At ski areas you may see people using alpine, snowboard, telemark, cross country or other specialized equipment, such as that used by disabled or other skiers. Regardless of how you decide to enjoy the slopes, always show courtesy to others and be aware that there are elements of risk in skiing that common sense and personal awareness can help reduce. Observe the code listed below and share with others the responsibility for a great skiing experience.
- Always stay in control. You must be able to stop or avoid people or objects.
- People ahead or downhill of you have the right-of-way. You must avoid them.
- Stop only where you are visible from above and do not restrict traffic.
- Look uphill and avoid others before starting downhill or entering a trail.
- You must prevent runaway equipment.
- Read and obey all signs, warnings, and hazard markings.
- Keep off closed trails and out of closed areas.
- You must know how and be able to load, ride and unload lifts safely. If you need assistance, ask the lift attendant.
- Do not use lifts or terrain when impaired by alcohol or drugs.
- If you are involved in a collision or incident, share your contact information with each other and a ski area employee.
It is your responsibility as a skier or snowboarder to know and follow these safety guidelines. Be safety conscious.
Officially Endorsed by: National Ski Areas Association
Ski Area Safety
When Riding Our Lifts
Skiers MUST wear both skis to board the chairlift. Snowboarders MUST keep one foot in the snowboard to load and unload. No foot traffic is allowed on the chairlifts, except by authorized users only.
As helmets grow in popularity it’s important to know their benefits as well as limitations. Helmets are available for purchase in our Ski & Board Shop or a daily helmet rental is also available. For more information, please visit the Lids on Kids website. Swiss Valley does not require skiers & snowboarders to wear helmets unless competing in certain competitions in which the rules will state their requirement. Swiss Valley Encourages all skiers and riders to enjoy the slopes with a safety conscious attitude, so we can all enjoy winter recreation safely.
Skier, Spectator, and Public Conduct
Michigan Dept. of Labor Ski Area And Safety Board General Rules R 408.97 Skier, spectator, and public conduct in ski areas.
A) A person unloading from a ski lift shall move immediately out of the unloading area.
B) A person shall not willfully board or embark upon, or disembark from a ski lift, except at an area designated for this purpose.
C) A person shall conduct him/her self within the limits of his/her individual ability and shall not act or ski in a manner that may contribute to his/her injury or that of any other person.
D) A person shall not do any act which interferes with the running or operation of a ski lift such as, but not limited to: Swinging or bouncing on an aerial lift, attempting to contact supporting towers, machinery, guides, or guards while riding on a ski lift; or skiing out of the designated track on a surface lift or tow.
E) A person shall not ski in an area that is designated as closed, nor shall a person remove any sign used to designate a closed area.
F) A person involved in an accident causing injury to him/her self or others shall immediately notify the ski patrol, the ski area operator, or the area manager and shall clearly identify him/her self.
G) A skier shall maintain control of his/her speed and course at all times and shall stay clear of any snow grooming equipment, any vehicle, any lift tower, any other persons, or any other equipment at a ski area.
Acts 199 of Public Acts of 1962, Section 20
Freestyle Terrain
The Smart Style Terrain Park Safety Program has Four Main Messages:
Every time you use freestyle terrain, make a plan for each feature you want to use. Your speed, approach and take off will directly affect your maneuver and landing.
Scope around the jumps first, not over them. Know your landings are clear and clear yourself out of the landing area.
Start small and work your way up. (Inverted aerials not recommended).
From the lift line through the park.
Please enjoy our slopes on skis, snowboards, ski blades, and snow skates (all must have metal edges). Skis, Snow Blades, and Snow Skates must always have a retention device present, functional, and being used properly. Snow blades and Snow skates must meet the following parameters.
Snow Skates
When using a snow skate, the rider must have a safety retention device (leash) in use with the snow skate. When loading the chair lift, the rider must approach the loading ramp with one foot on the deck, skating (as a snowboarder would). As the chair comes around, step off the skate, pick it up, and sit down on the chair. During the chair ride, the skate MUST REMAIN on the rider’s lap. When unloading the chair, the rider should place the skate underneath their feet, and stand up on the skate as the unloading ramp slopes down. (Similar to a skateboarder dropping into a ramp.) We reserve the right to prohibit use if the rider cannot meet the snow skate protocol. A person riding a snow skate must be able to ride, load, and unload the chairlift safely, as any other skier or snowboarder would.
When using snowblades, the rider must have a functioning safety retention device on BOTH snowblades. This would come in the form of either a traditional ski binding with a built-in brake, or a leash on each snowblade that is attached to the ski on end and buckled around the rider’s ankle on the other. Any snowblade must have metal edges, like a ski does, and must be NO SHORTER than 60cm. Due to the retention device and length requirements, most foot skis or ‘snow feet’ do not meet the parameters for our area. The rider must be able to ride, load, and unload the chairlift safely, as any other skier or snowboarder would.
Snow Bikes
Swiss Valley does not allow snow bikes to be used on our slopes.
Swiss Valley does not allow sledding, toboggans or tubes to be used anywhere on Swiss Valley Property. Sleds may be used to transport gear from your vehicle.
Adaptive Skiing & Snowboarding
Swiss Valley Welcomes skiers of all abilities and offer reasonable accommodations to participate in winter recreation. We allow skiers and snowboarders with disabilities to use adaptive equipment, as long as it is approved by the office as a safe method of enjoying the slopes. Examples would be mono/sit ski, outriggers, sight impaired guides, and adaptive snowboard as long as at least one foot is able to be strapped in. Participants may not “sled” on snowboards or ride sleds. If you have questions regarding this policy, please contact customer service.
Drone Policy
Due to safety and privacy concerns, Swiss Valley Inc prohibits the operation or use on or above Resort property of unmanned aerial systems, or drones, by the general public – including model aircraft by recreational users and hobbyists – without the prior written authorization from Swiss Valley Inc. This prohibition includes drones used for filming or videotaping, as well as any drone use by media or journalists operating above or within the area boundaries. This prohibition extends to any devices launched or operated from Resort property, a well as any launched from private property outside of the Resort boundaries. Please contact resort representative, Jamie Wiseman Stafne at 269-244-5635, if you have questions or if you seek prior authorization to operate any such devices. Any authorized operation of drones on or above Resort property will be governed by Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) rules and regulations, and local law enforcement, as well as those policies separately established by this Resort, which may include certification, training, insurance coverage, indemnification requirements, and waivers or releases of liability. Any violation of this policy may involve suspension of your access privileges to the Resort, or the revocation of your season pass, as well as confiscation of any prohibited equipment, and may subject violators to any liability for damages, including, but not limited to, damages for trespass, violations of privacy, and physical injuries to persons and /or property, as well as legal fees.